Uplifting Faith Ministries, Inc.

1602 Market Street Wilmington NC 28401

Where prayer is the key, but faith unlocks the door

Pastors: Apostles Ricky and Sandra Randolph


Under the leadership of Pastors Ricky and Sandra Randolph, Uplifting Faith Ministries is a dynamic prophetic, deliverance and teaching ministry since January 2002.

We are Before an Open Door in 2024!
"Revelation 3:8
8 I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name. (KJV)

Mission Statement

To perpetuate the gospel of Jesus Christ by promoting love, joy and peace in the body of Christ-using drama and the arts to help demonstrate that gifts can be useful in the body of Christ. To provide Christian instruction through seminars, workshops, and counseling in order to promote physical, spiritual and emotional healing.
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Welcome to Uplifting Faith Ministries!!!
     Praise the Lord everybody for Strength! God has been good in providing all our needs, strengthening us and keeping us through the many things from 2022. We started off this year celebrating 21 years of ministry and our Annual Association of Covenant Churches Convocation (ACC). Please check us out on Facebook, The Agape Network (Roku, Firestick, or streaming), and our YouTube Channel. We were also blessed to ordain 4 Apostles, 1 Pastor, 1 Elder, 3 Deacons and 2 Deaconesses. Below are some pictures from the ordination service.